Skip to content Account Dashboard Courses Groups Calendar Inbox History Help SUSS Library LS Support SST101_JAN22_LV01 Quizzes PCQ03 2022_JAN_T2_TV_6 Home Announcements Modules Quizzes Grades iBookstore People Past Year Exam Papers Need Help? Office 365 Online Seminars Badges SUSS Gradebook PCQ03 Started: 28 Mar at 22:03 Quiz instructions All the PCQs will starts on 08-Mar-22 (Tuesday), 9am onwards. PCQ03 : Read Study Unit 3. Due on 28-Mar (23 55). There are 5 Pre-Class Quizzes and students are required to attempt ALL . Total THREE (3) attempts are allowed up to the closing date and the marks of BEST attempt will be the final score. If you are unable to attempt the quiz during the entire scheduled dates due to good reasons, you must inform the School via email ( ) BEFORE the start of the quiz with the necessary supporting evidence. The School may then reschedule the quiz for you....